29 June 2016
Steenbergs: progress at 11 Hallikeld Close

Progress on Steenbergs' new factory is moving along decently since April. The joists have been put in for the second floor and most of the flooring.
The building work has created a mass of extra space that can be used to store our tea. Building control have agreed the structural calculations, standards for fire rating and the shape and positioning of the staircase to the second floor.
We should get delivery this week of a new labelling machine from Norpak in Bradford to help with the growth in demand for our organic spices and seasonings - especially the mini jars that are going well in Abel & Cole's recipe boxes and for gifts sets. A new packing machine is also being built for us at Gainsborough Engineering in Lincolnshire which should help underpin interest in Steenbergs loose leaf teas and herbal teas.
A couple of photos are below:
[gallery columns="2" ids="9372,9374,9373,9377,9376,9375"]