24 March 2017
Chermoula, the delightful spice rub for fish

The next in our series of spotlighting key Steenbergs products - this time it's the turn of our organic chermoula.
Chermoula is the main spice mix used in Moroccan cooking. It’s a complex and exotic mix of fragrant spices and herbs; it adds an instant kick to beef, chicken or seafood but is especially good for fish. It’s truly versatile and isn’t so hot to blow your head off.
The combination of organic cumin and turmeric with the sweetness of organic paprika and some classic Mediterranean herbs makes this mix truly earthy and warming.
Steenbergs Organic Chermoula Spice Mix can be used as a dry rub for fish before lightly baking and the following recipe will show just how easy it is to incorporate it into your next fish dish. Try this chermoula crusted cod with roasted Mediterranean vegetables which is easy to whip up and bursting with flavour and spice.
Steenbergs Organic Chermoula Spice Blend is great with Fish
All you need is:
(Serves 2)
(Use organic/natural real food ingredients where possible)
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
2 cod fillets
2 courgettes
1 red pepper
1 red onion
A small sprig of fresh thyme (dried thyme works well also)
1 teaspoon of chermoula
A pinch of red chilli flakes (optional)
½ teaspoon of pyramid salt
2 tablespoons of olive oil
From your kitchen:
A wooden spoon
A sharp knife
A griddle pan
A silicone spatula
A couple of tablespoons for measuring
A small mixing bowl
A chopping board
Recipe for Steenbergs Organic Chermoula crusted fish with Mediterranean vegetables.
Step 1:
Preheat your oven to gas mark 4 or 180°c and chop up the courgettes, red pepper and red onion to roughly the same bite size pieces and place in a small bowl.
Step 2:
Drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the sea salt and ½ a teaspoon of the chermoula into the bowl and mix well until your veggies are well coated. Tip onto your baking tray and bake for 10 minutes.
Step 3:
Whilst your veggies are roasting, place your cod on a plate and dust over the remaining ½ teaspoon of chermoula, fresh thyme and sea salt. Drizzle over the rest of the olive oil and bring out the tray of veggies. Create a little space in the centre using your spatulas to spread the veggies to the edges of the tray a little. Pop your cod fillets there and bake for a further 10-12 minutes. Serve warm and enjoy.
Article written and researched by
Niki Behjousiar
Recipe Creator and founder of nikibakes
Twitter: @Niki_Beh
nikibakes has been blogging for over 10 years and has a passion for gluten free and dairy free recipes. She's a Persian chef who loves all things spice and particularly enjoys Asian and South American cuisine. She's always on the lookout for fresh and delicious flavour combinations and uses our spices daily in her cooking and on her blog.