17 January 2017
Steenbergs Extracts and Flower Waters now registered with Vegan Society

We've successfully registered Steenbergs' extracts and flower waters with The Vegan Society. This is the start of a process that will see Steenbergs include vegan branding into our bakery range over the next few months.
As part of this, we've delisted anything that is not vegan within the range of Steenbergs-branded products. So, for example, all the baking decorations have been delisted, because some included shellac and others carmines, while milky oolong has been removed because it contained milk flavour.
We feel this tidies up what Steenbergs does, so that we can now say Steenbergs' products are animal-free, vegetarian and vegan. Not all are registered (in fact most aren't) but we'll work on it over the next few years.
We've still got to review non-Steenbergs products and what we're doing with them...but that's for another month.
Update 26/1/2017: Following a review of branded products on www.steenbergs.co.uk, we are delisting the Fish4Ever range of fish and seafood, and the Pukka ghee. This will mean that by mid-year (when these have sold through) Steenbergs will be a strictly vegan brand across all its activities.