26 December 2010
We Are All In the Matrix

The matrix shimmers. The world shifts an iota and your eyes refocus.
You see the world for how it is: gone is the incessant background hum of electronic equipment, the drone of internal combustion engines as they parp around the globe and the clickety-clack of the railway tracks; gone are the sharp lines of black roads criss-crossing the landscape and the lines of telegraph poles plonked through fields and over hills; gone are the houses, shops and industrial buildings; gone are the bright lights blaring from shops and overhead street lamps. And the sound and voices on the television screen run out of synch.
You see the green leaved trees generating oxygen, clouds and streams and rivers bringing freshwater to nurture the earth and feel the clean air against your face just waiting for your breath. Birds fly in the sky during the day and small Pipistrelle bats flit about at dusk. Fish swim along the rivers and in the sea. And everywhere insects, spiders and bacteria dominate air, land and water. Nature lives, nature feeds, nature breeds and real life rolls ever forwards just outside your focus.
As man has sought to control the world, he has created his own paradigm, his own artificial physical, biological and virtual world to live out his dreams. A world that enslaves his soul in the chains of hard labour as he pursues the distant glistering of money; money that powers the political engine and feeds the daily hit of consumption of geegaws. We have created our own cage on earth, climbed inside, locked the gate and thrown away the keys.
The lights change and you must drive forwards. You must make some money to pay to live, even as living offers you no freedom. You cannot escape as the price for freedom is set too high, ensuring serfdom for you and generations to come.
Yet you can live on with a smile knowing that there is another reality out there, a better place, a sweeter life outside of the matrix, away from our self imposed life inside this thought experiment, this artificial model created by our lords and masters.