Lower in gluten and a little denser than just white bread, this mixed flour loaf with seeds makes a tasty...
1½tsp | dry baker's yeast |
300g | strong white bread flour |
150g | stoneground rye flour |
1tbsp | organic nigella seeds, plus extra to sprinkle |
1½tsp | Steenbergs Organic natural sea salt |
15g | butter |
2tbsp | Fairtrade dark muscovado sugar |
¼tsp | vitamin C (optional, although does help loaf rise) |
150ml | milk |
150ml | water |
Put the ingredients into the bread maker in the order specified. Choose the basic programme on the machine with crust of your choice and bake. Just before the baking starts, brush the top of dough with water and sprinkle on some extra nigella seeds. After baking, cool the bread on a wire rack.
Fresh homemade bread filling the air in your home is one of life's comforting smells, my gran always made fresh...
Bruschetta, the classic tasty Italian starter of olive oil toasted bread and flavoursome toppings.