A really easy and simple recipe to indulge yourself and have fun with the kids. Vanilla cup cakes are so easy to make.
A really easy and simple recipe to indulge yourself and have fun with the kids. Vanilla cup cakes are so...
250g/9oz | unsalted butter, softened |
250g/9oz | Fairtrade golden caster sugar |
4 | free range eggs |
1tsp | Steenbergs Organic Fairtrade vanilla extract |
185g/6.5oz | organic self-raising flour |
60g/2oz | organic plain flour |
185ml/6.5 fl oz | milk - I use full fat to get a full bodied and milky flavour and mouth feel |
250g/9ozwhite | chocolate, bashed into pieces |
300ml/10.5 fl oz | soured cream or mascarpone |
Rainbow Strands to decorate |
A really easy and simple recipe to indulge yourself and have fun with the kids. Vanilla cup cakes are so easy to make.
Who doesn't love a delicious cupcake, always feels like a treat and these are flavoured with Steenbergs baking extracts and...
Easy to make recipe for surprisingly indulgent coffee cup cakes with a deliciously fattening topping