- Place the beef in a large pan. Combine the seasoning ingredients in a bowl. Sprinkle meat evenly with seasoning mix, working in by hand and using it all. Cover well and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 2 hours.
- Heat the oil in a heavy casserole pan at high heat. Place meat in pan in single layer and cook without turning until well browned - about 8 minutes. Turn meat pieces over, reducing to medium heat and cook for a bout 15 minutes. Continue until browned evenly all over.
- Remove from heat and pour off half the hot oil into mug and set aside. Return pan to heat on low heat and add 125ml of stock and stir until browned sediment is dissolved from pan bottom. Stir in 650ml of stock, cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring once of twice.
- Meanwhile, make the roux. In heavy bottomed pan, heat the reserved oil (it will be cloudy and have sediment!) and heat until hot. Using wooden spoon, gradually stir in flour to the hot oil. Reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring briskly until roux is medium brown - about 4 minutes. Remove from heat and stir until roux stops getting darker - about 2 minutes. Set aside.
- After cooking the stock for 15 minutes, add the onions, peppers, parsley and Steenbergs organic Perfect Salt seasoning to the stock and stir well. Add the roux by spoonfuls to the casserole - around the meat, not on it, stirring well before adding more. Cover and continue to cook for about 25 minutes, stirring and scraping the pan as necessary.
- Serve with rice or mashed potatoes and slice of home-cooked bread.