01 September 2017
Why organic spices?

Guest Blog from Niki, founder and developer of Nikibakes.co.uk blog
Niki, founder and recipe developer for Nikibakes.co.uk
As founder of nikibakes and a general foodie, herbs and spices are at the heart of my dishes, without them my food is simply incomplete.
Steenbergs have a range of over 500 organic spices, salt blends, Fairtrade spices.
I never really thought about where I buy my spices from until a few years ago. I used to head over to my local supermarket, pick up what I needed and just throw any spices I could find first into my basket. This all changed a few years ago though when I began to become more aware of organic produce. I quickly realised that this doesn't just extend to fresh produce and that sauces and spices are just as important.
@steenbergsltd is truly an all rounder when it comes to stocking up on herbs and spices. From garlic salt to exotic saffron, the quality of their spices is second to none. I still remember my first encounter with their curry powder. I enjoyed my curry dish so much that I bit my tongue by accident! My excitement clearly got the better of me but it just goes to show, organic really is best.
Happy Baking!
Founder of nikibakes