Personally, I have never been a great fan of lasagne even if it is one of those firm family and probably national favourites. But then again, I don’t like spaghetti bolognaise. I am in a minority of 1 versus several hundreds of millions of people i...
Read moreThe weather has been truly awful over the last few days – rain, rain and more rain. It’s turned my mind towards thinking about terrines. Terrines are really versatile – you can have the cold on a warm summers day served with new potatoes and salad,...
Read moreHerbal medicine has historically been the primary approach to acute and chronic health problems - this remains the case still in many countries. We often forget that herbal medicine is the most enduring form of treatment and is still used by 80% of...
Read moreI have recently read Al Gore’s “Earth in the Balance” which is a pretty good overview of the environmental issues facing the world. It is lucid and comes up with some sensible political strategies to managing the potential ecological issues impactin...
Read moreFor many, the sign of summer is the first swallow or the sound of a cuckoo or the sound of cricket being played or perhaps Glastonbury of the Summer solstice. For me, it is samphire. Samphire is one of those truly old foods from the wild that peopl...
Read moreThis is the final recipe that I think is worth using for macaroons. It came from a Women’s Institute charity cookbook. It came with a tale that the word “macaroon” stems from the Greek makaria which means happy, and was introduce by the Greek to Na...
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