I know this is really quite pathetic but I have only just cracked how to make fudge in the last year. It always seemed to burn every time I tried to make it - the problem is that most recipes don't give the mixture long enough for the sugar to be tr...
Read moreOne of the major users of energy in a house is for heating the building. Space and water heating in homes gives off about 20% of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions, which is about 5 tonnes CO2 per home every year.
Read moreFollowing on from making pancakes per Sunday's post, we used the 8 pancakes, or crêpes, that this made by stuffing them with a mushroom filling, covering them in a cheese sauce and baking them in the oven. This is how we made it.
Read moreShrove Tuesday is the traditional start of Lent. It has become associated with pancakes in Britain and so everyone spends the day making pancakes. We regularly make pancakes for breakfast which the kids then top with cinnamon sugar or lemon and sug...
Read moreI came across this recipe on the truly amazing food blog of the Californian pastry chef living in Paris - David Lebovitz - which can be found at http://www.davidlebovitz.com/. And I have been meaning to have a crack at making his chocolate macarons...
Read moreI was listening to Radio 4 the other day and they were talking about steam puddings and how it is a truly English traditional that is not found anywhere else. One of the puds they were talking about was Queen of Puddings which was being made at Riv...
Read moreEvery year on slightly ad hoc basis, I sit down and try and calculate our carbon footprint and then offset for the greenhouse gasses that make up our carbon footprint. It's a guesstimate because it does not include all aspects of the Steenbergs busi...
Read moreWhen Sophie and I set up Steenbergs, we were very clear in our own minds about what Steenbergs as a business wanted to offer as products - the widest and most exotic range of great spices, herbs, seasonings and teas from around the world that are gro...
Read moreI think I am now pretty much up to looking back on 2007 - 2009, and thinking about 2010 and forwards. Le credit crunch and le recession have been a roller coaster, like surfing a bad set of hairy, tumbling roiling waves, but it's been a truly cathar...
Read moreI like the vanilla beans from the Congo because of their story. I like the idea that the vanilla beans are grown in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Virunga National Park. I, also, like the fact that this is a fair trade story, where local p...
Read moreHere is a way to use some of the new chillis that I introduced in a blog last week. It is a traditional recipe for a New Mexican Red Chile Sauce (Chilli Sauce) that is preferred by northern New Mexicans and New Mexican old-timers, especially those w...
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